Solution Detail

Voter Verification for Elections

Voter Verification for Elections

Electoral administration is most important to guarantee fair and square operation during any term of election. Identification of voters shall be carried out so that the right voter is voting and repeated voting by the same person under, possibly, different or multiple identity shall be identified and avoided.
Voter Registration
Ascertainment of the qualifications of electors is normally made during voter registration. Electoral administration system can be setup with Hisign Biometric Identification Engine (HBIE) for voter identification and verification. The biometric of the registrant (normally fingerprint) shall be collected and searched in the database of voters to avoid multiple registration of the same elector under different IDs and/or names.  By means of biometric identification (fingerprint) it is guaranteed that no duplicate registration records of a single person exist in the database of registered voters.

During the voting term, the voter shall present his/her fingerprints together with the voter ID, and the fingerprint will be compared with the corresponding print retrieved from the database for qualification verification and voting status verification. After the voter is successfully verified, they can cast their vote and the voting status is recorded in the database and the voter is no longer qualified for another vote during this specific term.